Super Bowl Short
Like most things in America, The Super Bowl is one of the grandest TV events; a much-ballyhooed game (often deservedly); an ex- cuse for parties, overeating (and drinking) and let’s not forget the best parts –sorta–the TV ads, the over-the-top half-time show and maybe — a wardrobe malfunction. AND like the World Series of baseball, it’s…
Guanajuato Limits Protected
ANA LUZ SOLIS The Guanajuato border is patrolled by over 1,000 agents from all levels of the nation’s se- curity forces. The Mexican Military, the Fed- eral Police, agents from the At- torney General’s Office (PGR), officers from the Center for Research and National Secu- rity (CISEN), Federal Forces, the Ministry of Security, Public…
Mayor Exposes Social-Network Con Man
Mayor Mauricio Trejo Pureco warns the people of San Miguel de Allende of a man who claims to be a self-defense pro and union leader, who seeks to incite unwarranted fear among citizens across the main social networking websites for extortionary purposes. The people of San Miguel should be weary of this man, who calls…
State Healthcare Tackles Addiction
In an effort to mitigate the consumption of drugs within the region, the Ministry of Health launched the State Network of “New Life” Centers. Providing care to patients who suffer from addiction, these medical facilities are scattered across Guanajuato, with New Life Centers in San Miguel de Allende, Dolores Hidalgo, Celaya, Irapuato, Silao, León and the state capital….