Like most things in America, The Super Bowl is one of the grandest TV events; a much-ballyhooed game (often deservedly); an ex- cuse for parties, overeating (and drinking) and let’s not forget the best parts –sorta–the TV ads, the over-the-top half-time show and maybe — a wardrobe malfunction.
AND like the World Series of baseball, it’s hardly really a whole world game because real football (fútbol or soccer) is worldwide and played with the feet and crowds dwarf our football games.
But on this Sunday in addition to being Groundhog Day and Candelaria in San Miguel (traditional start of spring-like weather and plant sale in Parque Juarez) it’s Super Bowl Sunday here in San Miguel, too.
In fact, the prestigious national sports daily Record of Mexico has pages and pages this week devoted to the contest. And big screens are carted out in restaurants and Mexicans and the foreign community alike in San Miguel de Allende will watch.
We’ll all have fun feasting, watching the game and enjoy- ing the camaraderie. The real celebrations and paydays come for the players, the TV ad market, food vendors and the network.