
Old Timers’ Thursday Gatherings

Old Timers’ Thursday Gatherings

For 17 years, a group of San Miguel locals has gathered on the first Thursday of every month with no other plan than to meet with friends and exchange experiences, trivia and points of view. One of the group’s founders, Luis Ferro de la Sota, says that before the “Thursday Group” existed, this group of friends…

Free Events at Bellas Artes during the Writers’ Conference

Free Events at Bellas Artes during the Writers’ Conference

Redaction   February 2014 will be a memorable month for both locals and visitors to San Miguel de Allende because, for the first time, the Annual Writers’ Conference and Literary Festival will offer a series of literary events that will be free and open to the public at INBA’s Ignacio Ramírez “El Nigromante” Cultural Center,…

Daniela Edburg: Scenes Captured in Yarn

Daniela Edburg: Scenes Captured in Yarn

From Russia to Toronto, from Toronto to China, from China to Iceland, and then back to Mexico, Daniela Edburg, a renowned photographer, travels the world capturing her experiences with charming subtlety. Surrounded by brains made from yarn, in a studio that is unique in itself, Daniela Edburg brings out her strongest artistic voice to amaze…

On the Eve of a Literary Extravaganza

On the Eve of a Literary Extravaganza

Carmen Rioja From February 12 to 17, San Miguel de Allende will host the international writers’ conference with a wide variety of events for all audiences. Held at the Hotel Real de Minas and the Ignacio Ramírez “El Nigromante” Cultural Center, the 9th Annual Writers’ Conference and Literary Festival is unlike any other event of…