San Miguel Hotels at Full Capacity

The numbers of visitors to arrive in San Miguel during its first long weekend of the year exceeded expectations.

With a total of 30,000 tourists, the original 25,000 forecast was slightly surpassed, and hotel occupancy reached 100 percent.

According to the Tourist Board, the city made a turnover of close to 50 million pesos($3.7 million).

People from across Mexico and from around the world came to San Miguel to enjoy the city’s streets, architecture, cultural events, archeological sites and hot springs, taking in “the world’s top city.”

In 2013, San Miguel de Allende’s total hotel occupancy was 233,719 rooms, according to Mexico’s National Statistics for the Tourist Sector (DataTur). Last holiday season alone, including Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Epiphany, hotels in San Miguel were completely filled to capacity.

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