
The Hearts of San Miguel: Celebrating a Love for a City

The Hearts of San Miguel: Celebrating a Love for a City

News Desk The “San Miguel I Love You” Festival reached the height of glamor during its second edition of the Corazones San Miguel Awards. As part of the unwavering efforts to further solidify San Miguel de Allende’s tourism industry, the current administration, through its Tourism, Economic Development and International Affairs Department, awarded San Miguel’s “Hearts”…

Helping San Miguel’s Under-Privileged Youth

Helping San Miguel’s Under-Privileged Youth

A group of students from San Miguel de Allende’s rougher neighborhoods completed a unique program entitled Desarrollo de Capacitación Psico-laborales para Juventudes (Youth Job Training and Psychological Skill Development), sponsored by the Ministry of Public Security and headed by the Department of Crime Prevention. Director of Public Security Gabriel Yáñez expressed his overall satisfaction with…

Goose in the Sky

Goose in the Sky

News Desk Whether “El Pato” is officially the world’s largest goose remains to be seen; however, creator and owner Arvino Kagan is adamant that his behemoth creation can indeed hold the title. “I claim it,” he says. About the only other comparable structure is in Sumner, Missouri, “which claims to be the largest goose and…

San Miguel Enters Phase Two of Security Strategy

San Miguel Enters Phase Two of Security Strategy

In the next few days, the municipal government will announce San Miguel de Allende’s comprehensive security strategy, which will target home invasion and street crime. Given the scope of the project, everyone needs to take part: from all levels of government and police agencies, private security companies, businesses and associations to the community itself, including…